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Home > FunPlex > FantaWild FunPlex Deal Successfully Signed With Wuhan Zhongbai Store, China

FantaWild FunPlex Deal Successfully Signed With Wuhan Zhongbai Store, China

From:      Date:2004-11-11      Views:197912

FantaWild FunPlex has signed up with the Wuhan Zhongbai Store, Ltd to have a project covering an area of 2000 sq. m.  Opening day has been planned for early December 2004.

Wuhan Zhongbai Group Co, Ltd has three subordinated stores that occupy 7000 sq. m. of commercial area with more than 120,000 diversities of commodities. The Wuhan Central Store is an old and famous shop in China and is the origination for Wuhan commerce.  It has played a key role in the promotion of Wuhan commerce and is the pearl of the “National Commerce Civil Street” a.k.a. Jianghan Road.

The cooperation venture between FantaWild FunPlex and Wuhan Zhongbai Store is another within a commercial city.  With the growth of more shopping malls, dynamic commerce has been an innovative idea symbolizing a new commercial system in Wuhan and China.  The FantaWild FunPlex has a pleasurable atmosphere and hi-tech attractions, with both interactive and novel designs, that could potentially attract large number of people and thus supplement the shopping power of the area. The FantaWild FunPlex is a perfect vehicle for the dynamic commercial ideal.

15F, 16 Ke Yan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
86-755-6682 6666
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