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Come Taste Fantawild’s Chicken Stew

From:      Date:2010-05-28      Views:224719

      Chicken stew? Sounds very delicious, but surely not easy to get.

      Presented by Fantawild Animation, Chicken Stew narrates the eternal battles between three upstanding dynamic chickens and a pair of dim-yet-determined weasels who always end up being the losers in an exciting, gripping, and very comical way.

      Hilarious and fast-paced as it is, Chicken Stew claims its popularity since its very release, successfully covering most Asian areas, especially well received in India after being aired on Nick India Channel. Moreover, it’s also selected as Best Domestic Cartoons of 2010 by SARFT (the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of China).

      For kids who are longing for a palatable animation dinner, Chicken Stew will be a dish they never want to miss.

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