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Boonie Bears – Keeping It Fresh on Fantawild Animation

From:      Date:2011-08-03      Views:296740

Watch out the Bears! As a new series of great expectation, Boonie Bears is adding a glorious stroke to what we do.

Presented by Fantawild Animation, Boonie Bears seems to enjoy an extraordinary popularity since its very release. Its varying action scenes and the strong sense of comedy has drawn for the show great attention of buyers from all over the world since the debut. So far, the show has been distributed to more than 90 countries and areas across the world, covering the Middles East and Africa areas, reaching half of European countries and breaking into the U.S. market. Besides, it’s been officially selected for Italy’s Pulcinella Awards, 2011, and was recently granted admission into the 17th edition of the Film Festival della Lessinia

By featuring two bears standing up against a logger and repeatedly protect their beautiful homeland from destruction by using their powerful strength and more often, their brilliant wits, Boonie Bears has cast a different light on the images of bears and lent a new insight into the animation of Fantawild.

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