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Our Next Stop: MIPTV 2012

From:      Date:2012-03-28      Views:280033

As an active participant at the grand event, Fantawild Animation will be making its appearance at MIPTV 2012 in Cannes, France from April 1st to 4th, 2012. Visitors and buyers will find us at 05.01F, China Pavilion.


While the previous occasions have witnessed the brilliant popularity for Fantawild’s animation series, this year they will be amazed again by the big splash at the glamorous stage that Fantawild will create. Among the great hits to be shown at the event, One and a Half Heroes will be the biggest attraction to the global buyers. Already a buzzword before its official release, this show is a spectacular 3D action and adventure series directed for the first time by a professional American animation director. Nearly one year’s effort has prepared One and a Half Heroes to manifest its ambition to sweep the audience off their feet by inviting them to a visual feast of both traditional Chinese culture and western comedy. 


Other high-quality shows by Fantawild Animation will so be presented to the buyers there, including Boonie Bears or Bust, a sequel to last year’s big hit Boonie Bears, and Hick-City, a hilarious 3D silent comedy and Kids’ Jury winner in 2011.

15F, 16 Ke Yan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
86-755-6682 6666
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