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Home > FunPlex > Ratings of Boonie Bears Movie Scores a Record High

Ratings of Boonie Bears Movie Scores a Record High

From:      Date:2013-03-15      Views:406653

With Fantawild’s hottest animated series, Boonie Bears, still conquering ratings of scores of national channels and online broadcast, the company set forth to launch its holiday special, Boonie Bears—Homeward Journey, as a seasonal delight for kids around the nation. The movie made its debut on CCTV Children’s Channel during Chinese New Year Holidays, and the ratings reached a record high of 3.85, a success that has been achieved by no other animated shows in its history of broadcast.


  The story unfolds as the lumberjack Vick’s plan of going home for the holidays is frustrated by his lack of money for the fare. In order to return to his family, Vick has to resume his old chopping business to make up the difference. His campaign of destruction invites the indignation of the jungle-loving bear brothers and their forest pals. They team up to defend against Vick’s scheme until the cause for his conduct is revealed. Deeply touched by his predicament, the animal gang puts aside their personal grudge and helps Ol’ Vick make his dearest dream come true. The film is both side-splitting, with its boisterous and zany hilarity as inherited in the Boonie Bears series, and most heart-warming, as the idea that humankind and animals can coexist harmoniously is conveyed at the end of the story. The success of the film is attributed to its captivating plot and exquisite images, two underlying elements in the making of a blockbuster.


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